Exclusive Workshop for Female Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Healers & Leaders

Activate Your Feminine Magnetism...

Grow Your Business

Attract Clients to You Without the Masculine Marketing Hustle
Break through your income ceiling
Charge what you truly desire
Work when you want to (not because you have to)

What is

"Embodied Client Attraction?"

This immersive workshop will show you how to show up as a fully activated and embodied leader – both online and offline – so you can attract higher-level clients to your business with greater ease and feminine flow. You’ll learn how to own your voice, stand out in the industry, and become a sought-after leader that clients line up to work with.


Hey babe,

It wasn't just the thousands of women I've coached and my own personal struggles that inspired me to create Embodied Client Attraction. It was also what I see is possible for the world when we women lead from alignment vs busyness, hustle or scarcity. Let me explain...

For years, I tried to grow my organization through masculine tactics, strategies, and straight-up hustle. I achieved some things and I made some money, but at the end of the day, I was left exhausted, unmotivated, suffocated… and uninspired to keep going. On paper things were great, but I could feel I was meant for so much more, in such a different way. 

But quite honestly, I didn’t have any examples of women that were up to big things AND they were doing it in a truly feminine, spacious and aligned way… So I didn’t fully trust it was possible for me to create sustainable, pleasurable success.

When I shared my frustration with those closest to me and through supporting thousands of women, I discovered this wasn’t just “my” problem, but there were so many other women who felt the same way and shared the same struggle.

So I became deeply passionate about finding the recipe for TRUE SUCCESS: Meaning more abundance and more impact while also having more space for the things and people we love, outside of work. Meaning achieving incredible things while living an incredible life, instead of sacrificing aspects of our wellbeing, the intimacy in our relationships or the level of satisfaction we experience on a daily basis, “to make it”.

That’s when I learnt that taking things to the next level is not about the tactics, the strategies or the hustle.

In the early years of my organization, my intention to serve and help people was strong, but when scarcity and hustle were running the show, it left me striving rather than serving, and ultimately I found myself sacrificing my own needs and desires.

But through years of research and coaching, I learned that when I honor my power and authenticity as a leader, people can feel me; and when people feel me, they become magnetized to my work. And I know the same can be true for you.

Marketing tactics and strategies come and go, but at the end of the day, people – including your potential clients – are thirsty for leadership that moves them.

In reality, my genius was there from the beginning. But it was awakened only when I honored myself and allowed myself to fully shine; when I stepped into my most embodied and liberated expression as a woman and leader; and when I lived my life on my own terms and truly found joy and inspiration in what I did.

And again, I believe the same is true for you!

Because in a sea of sameness, “different” is in high demand. Today’s industry is full of people all copying the same distorted, scarcity and deceit-driven tactics and hoping for different results, while avoiding the vulnerable work of actually showing up in their potency and radiance.

When we fully activate as women, our leadership expands, and so does everything we create and hold.

My life and my organization fully transformed.

Once I fully adopted this approach and prioritized my embodiment, my wellbeing, my joy, pleasure, alignment and freedom, my life and my organization shifted completely.

And as a result, instead of constantly wishing for clients and hustling with launch after launch, I began to magnetize high five-figure clients (many would then turn into six-figure clients!) and sold-out multiple six-figure launches while I was playing, traveling, and being present with my family and friends. And ultimately, that allowed me to create my containers from a space of aligned inspiration instead of letting fear, scarcity and hustle take the lead.

I found a way to live the life I yearned for, be the leader I was put here to be, and THAT became my most powerful marketing.

In Embodied Client Attraction, my goal is to help as many women as I can to stop being a slave to their business and work habits, and instead design their life and business to TRULY thrive and fulfill them.


A 2-hour Workshop.

A lifetime of impact.

With Embodied Client Attraction, we won’t focus on one-size-fits-all tactics that shift and change with the wind. Instead, we will awaken the core activator of your most abundant life: YOU. Because when you expand, your life and business will expands.


Break Through Your Income Ceiling

Overcome the blocks preventing you from reaching the income level you desire so you can go past (way past!) the level of success, income, and pleasure you’ve been able to experience up until now in your life and business.

Blow Past the Things Holding You Back

Enjoy Greater Levels of Abundance

Experience the Life You Truly Desire


From Chasing to Magnetizing

Somatically flip the script of your life and business, so you can stop chasing clients through hustle and start attracting clients and the life you desire through your innate feminine magnetism. This will allow you to radically expand your impact and abundance, so you can lead like a Priestess, not a beggar.

Call in Higher-Level Clients

Up-Level Your Containers & Pricing

Enjoy More Pleasure and Spaciousness


Own Your Throne

Go from being “just another coach” to being so YOU that when people feel called to your world, it is a no-brainer to work with you, no matter how long they have to wait or how much they get to invest.

Stand Out from Others in the Industry

Embody the True Potency of Your Gifts and Your Message

Activate Your Feminine Magnetism and Receivership


You don’t need a “better strategy”

External tactics won’t unlock your internal potency. If all it took was a website and content strategy, you’d already be where you want to be.
More hustle doesn’t equal more success

You don’t need to fill every moment of your life to be productive. Spaciousness is the foundation upon which you can build the life you desire.

You are the center of your life

Stop trying to level-up your life from the outside in. To expand your life and business, you must first expand yourself.

You are worthy of success

You get to prioritize yourself, set clear boundaries, and take aligned action towards what you truly want and desire.

In a sea of sameness, you’re in high demand

You aren’t “just another coach” in a sea of coaches. You are a unique, one-of-a-kind leader this world needs to fully show up and be seen.

Embodied Client Attraction will teach you tools to expand your capacity to hold the life you desire... without the endless hustle and sabotage.

If yourGoals include...

Boldly going all-in on what you truly want…
Breaking through your income lid…
Opening your schedule for what you love...
Befriending powerful women...
Experiencing more daily pleasure…
Showing up powerfully and confidently…
Being seen as an expert in your field…
Then “Embodied Client Attraction” is for you.


Hey, babe! I’m Sigrid.

Through my international workshops, programs and one-on-one coaching, I’ve helped 1,000s of mission-driven women like you unlock deeper levels of fulfillment, abundance, and impact in their lives WITHOUT burning out, sacrificing their daily joy, or severing the connection to themselves.

I believe women shouldn’t be forced to figure things out in a masculine way or neglect the things they truly desire in order to attain success. By following the feminine leadership principles I teach, I’ve been able to grow my organization from zero to landing multiple five-figure clients per month in a way that allows me to rest, play, and travel, while being fully present for my clients, friends, family, and my partner.

If you feel like there is more inside you waiting to be uncovered and expressed to the world… if you’re ready to experience more abundance – both in life and in business… if you want to experience more joy and fulfillment in the day-to-day… and if you want to know you’ve unlocked your true potential and power…

Then Embodied Client Attraction is for you.

Since when is the answer to “too much” ever “more?”

You don’t need more strategies. You don’t need more tactics. Your success isn’t on the other side of a better website or marketing strategy. Your success is on the other side of a deeper internal embodiment.

You are Worthy of greater Income and Impact…

... without needing to hustle harder
without forcing yourself into a masculine structure
without living in constant comparison to other women
without chasing the next “quick fix” tactic

As you Expand, your Life will Expand...

Maximized Impact

When conscious leaders maximize their impact, they can change the world. We must release our self-sabotage and transform our insecurities, fears, and limiting stories so that we can fully show up and confidently lead others.

More Spaciousness

Your success shouldn’t come at the expense of spaciousness, play, pleasure, and freedom. By trading unaligned hustle for actions that move you closer to your ultimate mission, you can experience the life you are truly here for.

Magnetize More Income

Impact and spaciousness is great, but if your base needs aren’t met, your capacity to serve others can be limited. By clarifying your mission and pursuing it unapologetically, you can call in aligned, high-ticket clients.

You cannot hold a powerful mission until you carry yourself powerfully.

Watch the Replay

“Embodied Client Attraction”

2-Hours of FREE Coaching with Sigrid

Break Through Your Income Ceiling: Blow past the blocks keeping you from your desired level of success

From Chasing to Magnetizing: Stop chasing down clients and instead have dream clients seek you out

Own Your Throne: Go all in on YOU and stand out in the industry as a truly differentiated coach


“If you have the chance to work with Sigrid, do it. She is an incredible human being that is deeply in integrity with the work.”

– Alexi Panos, Best-selling Author and Master Coach

“Working with Sigrid will be the best decision of your life. She's changed how I show up in my business. I’m fully owning and embodying the woman I am and what I’m here to do in this world.”

– Gina Frances, Business + Embodiment Coach

“Sigrid helped me find my infinite worth. She changed my life and I feel like a completely different person.”

– Luka Rose, Business and Mindset Coach

“I have never felt more confident than I do now. I’ve stepped into another level of what it means to be a woman.”

– Jessika Lum, Women’s Empowerment Coach

“The way I hold space for my clients and for myself has completely shifted. If you’re considering working with Sigrid, I highly recommend it.”

– Satya Culha, Personal Freedom Coach

Embodied Client Attraction

This is powerful coaching, not a waste-of-time webinar...

Learn the key to living a life of true abundance in just two hours of value-packed training

Watch the workshop replay at your convenience and take advantage of lifetime access

Learn how to move past internal blocks and the self-sabotage that stifles your potential

Watch the Replay

“Embodied Client Attraction”

2-Hours of FREE Coaching with Sigrid

Break Through Your Income Ceiling: Blow past the blocks keeping you from your desired level of success

From Chasing to Magnetizing: Stop chasing down clients and instead have dream clients seek you out

Own Your Throne: Go all in on YOU and stand out in the industry as a truly differentiated coach

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